International Women's Day 2021

Happy International Women’s Day!

Amidst the resource constraints and inequalities that women especially in rural households face, they are key players in the agricultural value chain. 

According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nation (UN-FAO) scoping publication, women farmers contribute up to 50 percent of labour on farms in sub-Saharan Africa. In practice, women farmers tend to rely on rain-fed agriculture and have inadequate access to agricultural inputs (fertilisers, seed and water ) to extension services, farming credit and to efficient markets for their products.

Fundamentally, we believe women play a key role in linking agriculture  and nutrition outcomes, as mothers through pregnancy  and breastfeeding  and as household decision-makers  taking forward supplementary feeding and the preparation of other family meals.

Today we celebrate the women who spend their time advancing agriculture globally and contributing immensely to food and nutrition security. 

